Lavigerie was a man of vision and a great organizer. He was a man of faith and of decision. He had confidence in God and in hundreds of young men and women who answered his call to leave Algiers for the countries in the center of Africa. He also had confidence in the future of the African populations.

In 1874, two young missionaries are sent to Montreal. They will speak about their work in Algeria, Kabylia and the Sahara.
They will also collect funds for the mission.

A few years later, in 1886, the first Canadian candidate left for Algiers, a Montrealer named John Forbes.

Since then, more than 650 Canadians followed him for service in Africa.

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Serge st-arneault, MAfr


The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (SMNDA) and the Missionaries of Africa (M.Afr) are marking this year the bicentenary of the birth of their founder, Cardinal Charles Lavigerie.


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Mission Letter December 2024


Letter to our friends

The letter to friends is a means of communicating with you about Africa and the missionaries.




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